You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.9. File - Sales Territory > Adding a New Sales Territory

Adding a New Sales Territory

To add a sales territory to the Sales Territory master file:

  1. Open the Sales Territory File Update screen.

Refer to "File - Sales Territory".

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Sales Territory File Update screen in Add Mode.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Sales Territory

Enter an ID of up to five characters for the sales territory you are creating.



Enter a description for the sales territory that will appear on inquiries and reports.



Every picking slip in the paperless queue is assigned a priority which determines the order in which the slips are downloaded to PDAs for picking. Those with a higher priority (lower number) appear higher up the list so they are picked first. That is, a slip with priority 1 will be picked before a slip with priority 10.

Enter a number that represents the picking slip priority for this sales territory (it must be between 0 and 255).

When determining slip priorities, Micronet checks:

  1. The Override backorder priority, Override dataconnect priority and Override Micronet priority settings on the Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screens – see "Picking Settings"
  2. The Slip Priority on the debtor – see "File - Debtor - Extra"
  3. The Courier Priority on the courier – see "Adding a New Courier"
  4. If there are no priorities set in any of the above fields, it then applies the Priority set on the sales territory.

For more information about slip priorities, see "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.8)".


GL Interface

If you want to dissect sales/stock/debtors by a customer's sales territory, enter the name of the GL interface record for this sales territory.

For more information on setting up GL interface records, refer to "Setting up Micronet Integration".


T Account

If you are using T accounting within MGL, assign the default T account for this sales territory.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.